50 Hour
Advanced Teacher Training


with Annie Fox & Tyler Langdale

Refine your craft, and enhance your teaching skills in this 50 hour Teacher Training program. Join experienced teachers Annie Fox & Tyler Langdale for a powerful journey into the "Art of Teaching Yoga." You will have the opportunity to expand your skills of effectively leading people into the body-mind-heart experience. 

Teaching is a craft that takes constant refinement, skill, presence, breath, self reflection, compassion, and deeper and deeper study and learning. A true teacher is a disciplined & committed student.


Themes of the training:

  • Holding Space & Getting out of your own way

  • Self Regulation + deepening your understanding of your nervous system. Butterflies & fear, learning how to ride your internal waves

  • Being seen without sucking the oxygen out of the room. Being a conduit for energy not an idol

  • Music + storytelling // when + how to share your 'themes' for the class // how music can enhance themes and support students to connect emotionally // How to work with the volume of the music, when to turn it WAY UP and how to use it intentionally rather than background sound

  • The art of teaching flow, POWERFUL SEQUENCING THAT MAKES SENSE + how to lead people into letting go into the music, the moment, the breath,

  • The art of pacing, how to move people quickly WITH PRESENCE and how to slowww down, how pacing can enhance the connection to ones' own heartbeat **literally and metaphorically**

  • Vulnerability + voice // sharing from your authentic voice // embodying “it” vs. “teaching” it. // expanding tolerance for risk, creativity, vulnerability, power, grace


Weekend dates & Times:

June 7,8,9

June 21,22,23

July 13,14

Fridays 4-9

Saturdays & Sundays 10-5

Investment: $695